We are here to help you with your business needs through consultation and guidance. We can provide business assistance in the following areas:
- Site Selection
- Business License
- Zoning
- City services
- Business Certifications
- SBIF- Small business Improvement Fund
- Streamline TIF
- Real Estate Tax Abatement
- New Market Tax Credit
- TIF Works
- Employee Tax Credits
- Participation loans
- Industrial Revenue Bonds
- Enterprise Zone Incentives
- Empowerment Zone
- Foreign Trade
- Procurement
Over the many years that we have been members, LBRA has helped us by making us aware of local grants and assisting us through the application process, providing opportunities for employee training, and gaining access to job fairs and local resident who are seeking employment. We have also enjoyed the networking opportunities that have been provided. This has helped us establish relationships with neighboring businesses, community organizations and local leaders.
George GattoPresident
Gatto Industrial Platers